Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June Update aka Boring Post Title

I am struggling badly with my weight and have gained again. I lost 12 of the 30 pounds but then I regained it plus more.  However, the binge eating group has started and I'm seeing a dietitian and therapist. I'm getting the help I need to get me back on track. I'm determined to beat this beast. I will not go back to where I was before.

My previous post got a couple comments with suggestions on diet changes that I will not be following. Instead, I'm working with a dietitian and will be following her instructions. I will not be doing low anything. Binge eaters must be careful to not restrict food and to eat balanced meals in moderate portions. Saying "this has got to go" or having "good" foods and "bad" foods can bring about a binge. Being binge free is more important than anything else. When I don't binge, I eat moderately, if not perfectly, and lose weight. My current plan with her is to just keep my calories under 2500.

The first binge eating group was simply introductions and a lot of administrative stuff. I'm hoping that the second meeting this afternoon is more informative.


  1. Hope that you have success with the therapy, it will be tough but I think you can do it! Go for it!

  2. I just found your blog via a link from reddit. Great job! I can't believe how much you've accomplished. Any project like this is bound to have temporary setbacks, I can't even imagine. But seriously, kudos to you for your journey and for making this blog. The internet needs more stories like yours!

  3. Yay! So happy you've got appointments with a dietician and a therapist & that you're going to a group too. Every little piece helps. Working on the underlying emotions can be tough but is also totally rewarding (at least for me it has been). And having support from people who get what you're up against is so helpful. Keep it goin'! You will beat the beast!
    xoxo - terri (aka: graceful woman warrior)

  4. Hi, I can understand why someone recommended low carbing in your previous post as there is considerable science regarding carbs causing fluctuating blood sugars that lead to fat gain. I also understand where you are coming from with the good/bad food labelling. I would say try not to have carb heavy meals and aim for balance. I find having a protein heavy breakfast such as scrambled eggs on toast does help keep binges more under control than a cereal based breakfast.

  5. Been following your blog for a while, and you have been such an inspiration...wishing you the best in getting over this rough patch. The binge eating group sounds like a great choice, I hope everything works out for you.
    PS, I also live in MN, lol ;) Do you like it here?

  6. I don't know how I found your blog, but you are surely addicted to sugar. And I know after something horrific happened to me I wanted to disappear. The day that I hugged the injured child and young woman inside me was the day that I began to take my body back.
    I have no idea what may or may not have happened to you in your life but I hope that you too can find the strength to step back into life.
    My own brother diedc2 years ago filling that hole in his heat with food.
    I am brave
    I am beautiful
    I am smart
    I can do anything if I am willing to try.
    Success begins with the first step.
    Love yourself the way God does.
    Shirley ON Canada

  7. As someone who often binges (and purges), I want to congratulate you on tapping into a nutritionist and following what feels right and appropriate for YOU in the face of so many conflicting messages out there. I have been reading your posts for a while now, and you remain an inspiration. Take care, and please be proud of how you are doing on this journey. I am.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. It seems everyone has advice and it all conflicts. Eat this, don't eat that. Well, I'm going with what my nutritionist, therapist and eating support group say, "There are no good or bad foods. There is just food. Eat in moderation. Listen to your body. Eat mindfully. Eat when you are hungry. Stop when you are full." Sounds easy, but it is hard work!

  8. I know it's not a lot of help -- but I wanted to wish you the best of luck! You are a brave person for being so upfront about your situation.

    1. Thank you for your support. Such words help keep me going.

  9. Just wanted to say that I'm glad to see that you are still working hard on your goals and give you a shout of encouragement. It's hard work but keep at it, you're doing great!

    1. Thank you. It's been a struggle this year but I think I'm finally back on the right track.

    2. Listen, I just read your latest post and I want to say, I am from Reddit - we aren't all horrible people, and (sorry if you hate bad language) FUCK THEM for making you feel bad. They are spending time tearing down a total stranger to make themselves feel better. I know you've probably heard that before but goddammit, I'll say it again - ANYONE WHO DOES THAT HAS NOTHING OF VALUE TO SAY. Sorry. I cannot stand how we seem to have become a society of people who get our kicks from being as actively unempathetic as possible.

  10. Hi!
    I just wanted to say how awesome you are. Your story is an inspiration to me, and I also wanted to let you know that I'm positive that you can reach your goals! You are an amazing person with a deep internal well of strength to be able to lose >100lbs.
    Don't let your setbacks get you down, everyone has them.
    I am so glad I found your blog. Thanks for sharing.
    Best of luck!

    1. Thank you, D. This year has been the first real set back I've had, so it's been a challenge but it looks like with a bunch of help, I've got my eating back under control.


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